We offer a range of exciting activities including paint balling and outdoor laser games using replica P90s and MP7 machine guns, assault courses, target shooting and treasure hunts.
Situated at Tong Castle Wood, we’re just off J3 of the M54, and easy to get to from Telford, Wolverhampton, Walsall, and anywhere in the West Midlands or Shropshire. When you arrive, our Games Staff will familiarise you with the layout and general structure of your visit. Then, after equipment and safety briefings, you will be allocated a game manager who will remain with your group throughout the day.
All paintball game managers are experienced and fully trained and will be pleased to answer any queries and give advice about individual, team or overall paintball game combat tactics. After equipping with a state of the art semi-automatic paintball gun, camouflage coveralls, head protector and full face paint balling goggle system, you will play a series of game scenarios, supervised by our Paintball Game Marshals – also trained to ensure that you have a great time at Warped Sports.
For more information visit www.warpedsports.com