01952 850111

The Bradford Estates office is situated on the A5, a short distance from Junction 3 of the M54. Leave the M54 and follow signs for Newport A41. At the next roundabout turn right onto the A5 and follow the road into Weston-under-Lizard, passing Weston Sawmill and a Bradford Estates’ sign on the left. The entrance is 100 yards further, with parking available in front of the building.
Under the Data Protection Act 2018, Bradford Estates has a legal duty to protect any personal information we collect from you. We will only use personal information you supply us for the reason you provided it for; in this case, for the purposes of answering questions and to maintain a contact database to update people on the Bradford Estates. We will only hold your information for as long as necessary to fulfil that purpose. Your information will only be shared with Bradford Estates for the purpose of informing the Bradford Estates.